Podcast Transcript
In this episode, we introduce you to who we are, what we do, and what hope to accomplish. We invite you to tune into our podcast, designed to save you years of research and frustration, stopping and starting because the path through seems dim. We desire to help you forcefully advance and remove every excuse standing in your way!
In Isaiah 60 the Lord tells us to “Arise, shine; for they light is come and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.” The Lord will work it in man to will and to do, but our adversary lurks o and fro and devours those dreams and desires.
He uses situations and circumstances and the mouths of men to keep you from what God says is yours. He tempts you to blame God; the one keeping you, providing for you and frankly your only way out of what you’re going through. This is to use you against yourself so that you don’t receive from God. He litters your path with opposition, discouragement and distraction to break your faith and sow tares of failure, hurt and shame. Like a chain he yanks to punch you in your mind whenever you desire to move forward. He whispers “Hath God really said…?”
Many of God’s people are so caught up in the World’s system of debt and overtime they can’t see their way out. Some begin one witty idea or invention after another and by the time they look up fro distraction, paycheck to paycheck and overtime, years have passed and nothing the Lord led you to is done. Who told you it won’t work? Isaiah 60 promises that “Gentiles shall come to they light and kings to the brightness of thy rising.” So stop walking by sight and ARISE! Your light has come!
About The Author

Tameka Riley
Tameka Riley is the founder of Kingdom Business, a production company that serves people of God in various capacities. She has authored several books, developed and runs IPTV channels on Roku, FireTV and Android TV. She is also the host of Video Vineyard, a gospel music television program currently broadcasting to millions of homes on KBBN and the NOW Network.